How To Access Gmod Lua In Addons
How To Add Addons To Gmod
How to Access GMod Server Files. Click the the “Cfg” folder to show the contents in the right pane of Windows Explorer. Right-click on the GMod server configuration file “server.cfg” file to show the context menu. Click the “Open With” option and then click “Notepad” or any other text editor of your choice. The “server.cfg” file opens and can be edited. How to Install Garry's Mod Add Ons. Want to add some of those cool addons which your friends have been using, such as the quite annoying, but fun to use, Vuvuzela addon? Installing addons to Garry's Mod is fairly simple.
So I have been away from the game and really just video games in general for about a year now. I was interested in getting back into gaming, preferably gmod, but although it is a fun game, i want to be involved with a server as a dev/superadmin. Keep in mind that i know absolutely jack shit about coding in general. I want to learn because I think it's a valuable tool for possibly having a side job! But for now I really would like to focus on Gmod Lua because i love getting involved with servers. Are there any books I could read by picking them up at a library, bookstore, etc? I'm old enough to sit down and read some books on the topic. I have tried watching tutorials but it flies by so god damn fast lol
TLDR: How do i learn to code gmod lua if i have never coded a single thing in my life?