
Magacin Faktura Nalozi Pdf

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The cover of Konstruktivizm by Aleksei Gan, 1922.
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The term of faktura (Russian: фактура) emerged in Russian art criticism before the First World War. Voldemārs Matvejs used the term in his 1914 text 'Printsipy tvorchestva v plasticheskikh iskussvakh: Faktura (Principles of Creation in the Visual Arts: Faktura).[1]

Podopcije „Nalozi“, štikliranjem definisanog polja označavate nalog koji želite da stornirate. Klikom na dugme „Storniranje naloga“ označen nalog prikazuje pregled svih unetih podataka, nakon čega je neophodna potvrda storniranja unosom svog ključa (PIN + token broj) ili SMS KOD-om (broj do 8 cifara iz poruke). . Mag.repro: Biramo magacin iz kojeg cemo trebovati sirovine za radni nalog. Proizvod: Iz padajuce liste biramo proizvod koji zelimo da napravimo. Ako u padajucoj listi ne postoji taj proizvod, onda je potrebno da kreiramo sastavnicu za taj proizvod. Mag.dostave: Biramo magacin u koji cemo smestiti gotov proizvod. – saldakonta (knjiga primljenih i izdatih faktura, kasa,) – dnevnik knjiženja. Zajedno s modulima Magacin i Knjige čini dobar paket pošto je modul Nabavka povezan sa magacinom, tako da prijemi nisu više vaša briga jer paket to uradi umesto vas. Radni nalozi za rastavljanje.

It was later developed by Russian Constructivism.[2] Alongside tectonics and construction, faktura constituted one of the three core principles defined by Aleksei Gan in his book Konstruktivizm. In the period after the Russian Revolution, new definitions of art had to be found, such as the definition of art objects as 'laboratory experiments'. 'Faktura' was the single most important quality of these art objects, according to the critic Victor Shklovsky, referring to the material aspect of the appearance.[3][4][5] The surface of the object had to demonstrate how it had been made, exhibiting its own distinct property.[6]

Thus Faktura could be characterised as the visual demonstration of properties inherent to materials, as illustrated in Corner Counter Relief (1914) by Vladimir Tatlin.


Magacin Faktura Nalozi Pdf Download

  1. ^Rowell, Margit (1978). 'Vladimir Tatlin: Form/Faktura'(PDF). October. 7 (Winter 1978): 83–108. doi:10.2307/778388. JSTOR778388.
  2. ^Christina Lodder and Benjamin Benus (2012). 'Constructivism'. Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 13 January 2014.
  3. ^Оиси, Масахико (1987). 'О Понятии'. Japanese Slavic and East European Studies. 8: 39–55.
  4. ^Crone, Rainer; Moos, David (1991). Kazimir Malevich: The Climax of Disclosure. Reaktion Books. ISBN978-0-948462-81-8.
  5. ^Fer, Briony; Batchelor, David; Wood, Paul (1993-01-01). Realism, Rationalism, Surrealism: Art Between the Wars. Yale University Press. ISBN978-0-300-05519-1.
  6. ^Gouch, Maria (1999). 'Faktura: The Making of the Russian Avant-Garde'. Res: Journal of Anthropology and Aesthetics. 36: 32–59. doi:10.1086/RESv36n1ms20167475.
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