Port A Potty With Compost For Tent Living
We also tried the chemical RV option for awhile and porta potty (which we soon. 3dmark tablets highest scores 2019 zentab bowl. Access to a composting site and especially good for urban stealth camping.
More often than not, buying a camping toilet comes down to finding an appropriate compromise between comfort and roughing it, so to speak. There are camping toilets that have been designed to remain sanitary and provide comfort, and then there are camping toilets that are really little more than a fold-up frame attached to a disposable liner.

That being the case, the first thing you'll need to consider is where you plan on using a camping toilet. Family camping trips are much different than, say, fraternity camping trips, for example. Beyond that, it helps to determine whether the camping toilet will be a one-and-done purchase, or whether the toilet will accompany you on regular hunting trips, hiking trips, or to outdoor music festivals.
Port A Potty With Compost For Tent Living Room
Next, you'll want to consider how you plan on transporting a camping toilet. If you're traveling by compact car, for example, then your options may be limited to a toilet that is lightweight (i.e., 3-10 lbs) and collapsible. If you're driving a truck or a camper, you'll have more space for storing a toilet with an automatic flush and a holding tank underneath.
Assuming you're interested in an upscale camping toilet, you'll probably want to compare how each model flushes (certain models require batteries), how resistant each model is to bacteria, and how easy it is to dispose of each model's waste. Disposal is important in that most campgrounds maintain strict regulations regarding waste removal. Toilets with detachable holding tanks allow for simple - and sanitary - removal, whereas a lot of rudimentary models tend to be a little more involved.