
Putattachment Return Code 9

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  1. Putattachment Return Code 90

For filing season 2019, the Internal Revenue Service will continue the pilot to verify the authenticity of Form W-2 data. This initiative is one in a series of steps implemented by the Security Summit to combat tax-related identity theft and refund fraud.

Putattachment Return Code 90


The objective is to verify Form W-2 data submitted by taxpayers on e-filed individual tax returns. The IRS has partnered with certain payroll service providers (PSPs) to include a 16-character verification code on many Forms W-2 provided to employees. Verfication codes will appear on more than 60 million tax year 2018 Forms W-2. That’s nearly one of every four Forms W-2.

Basically GetAttachment PeopleCode function can be used to download the attachment from its source storage location (say FTP or database record) to the application server and then you can use PutAttachment PeopleCode function to upload the attachment from the app server file system to the specified storage location (e.g. To a database record).


As in previous years:

  • A Form W-2 with a verification code will display it in box 9, labeled “Verification Code.”
  • A Form W-2 without a verification code may include a blank box 9 or no box 9 at all.
  • The verification code will be displayed in four groups of four alphanumeric characters, separated by hyphens. Example: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.
  • The only valid characters are the letters A-F and the numerals 0-9.
  • The verification code will appear on Form W-2 copies B ('To be filed with employee's federal tax return') and C ('For employee's records').
  • Taxpayers without a verification code on their Form(s) W-2 may leave the verification code box blank in their tax software product.

Taxpayers and tax professionals are urged to enter the verification code when prompted by software, as it can speed the processing of the return and the issuance of the refund. However, omitted and incorrect verification codes will not delay the processing of a tax return.

The form will include these instructions to taxpayers and tax preparers: “Box 9. If you are e-filing and if there is a code in this box, enter it when prompted by your software. This code assists the IRS in validating the W-2 data submitted with your return. The code is not entered on paper-filed returns.”

The verification code will not be included in Forms W-2 or W-2 data submitted by the PSPs to the Social Security Administration or any state or local departments of revenue. Nor will this pilot affect state and local income tax returns or paper federal returns.

SQL Return Codes are used on a day-to-day basis for the diagnosis of programming failures as a result of SQL calls by DB2computer programs. An important feature of DB2 programs is the error processing. The error diagnostic containing the SQL Return Code is held in the field SQLCODE within the DB2 SLCA block.

SQLCODE is no longer part of the SQL-standard. The SQL-standard replaced SQLCODE by the more detailed SQLSTATE.



The SQL communications area (SQLCA) structure is used within the DB2 program to return a feedback to the application program.


The SQLCODE field contains the SQL return code. The code can be zero (0), negative or positive:

  • 0 means that the execution was successful.
  • Negative values incidate an unsuccessful execution with an error.
    An example is -911, which means that a timeout has occurred with a rollback.
  • Positive value mean a successful execution with a warning.
    An example is +100, which means that no matching rows were found or that the cursor has reached the end of the table.

Here is a more comprehensive list of the SQLCODEs for DB2. Note that this list is not exhaustive. Also note that some SQLCODEs may only occur in specific DB2 products; e.g., only on DB2 z/OS, only on DB2 LUW, or only on DB2 iSeries (AS400).

Zero (Successful)[edit]

Negative values (Errors)[edit]

-007The specified 'character' is not a valid character in SQL statements.
-010THE string constant beginning with string is not terminated properly.
-029INTO Clause required.
-084Unacceptable SQL statement.
-101The statement is too long or too complex.
-102String constant is too long.
-103String constant is too long. Max is 128 characters.
-104Illegal symbol encountered in the SQL statement.
-105String constant is too long.
-117The number of values in the INSERT does not match the number of columns.
-122Column or Expression in the Select List is not valid
-156Invalid syntax near keyword.
-180Bad data in Date/Time/Timestamp.
-181Bad data in Date/Time/Timestamp.
-188The host variable in a DESCRIBE statement is not a valid string representation of a name.
-199Illegal use of the specified keyword.
-204Object not defined to DB2.
-205Column name not in table.
-206Column does not exist in any table of the SELECT.
-207Invalid column name.
-209Ambiguous column name
-216Not the same number of expressions on both sides of the comparison in a SELECT.
-224FETCH cannot make an INSENSITIVE cursor SENSITIVE.
-229The locale specified in a SET LOCALE statement was not found.
-257Implicit conversion in datatype is not allowed.
-305Null indicator needed.
-311Varchar, insert or update. -LEN field with the right data length not set.
-313The number of host variables specified is not equal to the number of parameter markers.
-401The data types of the operands of an operation are not compatible.
-404The Sql Statement specified contains a String that is too long.
-408A value is not compatible with the data type of its assignment target. Target name is '<name>'. (***OBS: Para alguns casos o CAST resolve )
-418Use of parameter marker not valid.
-420The value of a string argument was not acceptable to the 'function-name' function
-438Application raised error with diagnostic text: text
-440Routine &1 in &2 not found with specified parameters.A function or procedure with the specified name and compatible arguments was not found.[1]
-482The procedure returned no locators.
-501Cursor not open on FETCH.
-502Opening cursor that is already open.
-503Updating column needs to be specified.
-504Cursor name not declared.
-530Referential integrity preventing the INSERT/UPDATE
-532Referential integrity (DELETE RESTRICT rule) preventing the DELETE.
-536Referential integrity (DELETE RESTRICT rule) preventing the DELETE.
-545Check constraint preventing the INSERT/UPDATE.
-551Authorization failure.
-554An authorization ID or a role cannot GRANT a privilege to itself.
-601You tried to create an object that already exists
-602Too many columns specified in a create index.
-603a unique index cannot be created because the table contains rows which are duplicates with respect to the values of the identified columns and periods
-604a data type definition specifies an invalid length, precision, or scale attribute
-607operation or option operation is not defined for this object
-610warning: a create/alter on object has placed object in pending
-611only lockmax 0 can be specified when the lock size of the tablespace is tablespace or table
-612identifier is a duplicate name
-613the primary key or a hash key or a unique constraint is too long or has too many columns and periods
-614the index cannot be created or altered, or the length of a column cannot be changed because the sum of the internal lengths of the columns for the index is greater than the allowable maximum
-615operation-type is not allowed on a package in use
-616obj-type1 obj-name1 cannot be dropped because it is referenced by obj-type2 obj-name2
-617a type 1 index is not valid for table
-618operation operation is not allowed on system databases
-619operation disallowed because the database is not stopped
-620keyword keyword in stmt-type statement is not permitted for a space-type space in the database-type database
-621duplicate dbid dbid was detected and previously assigned to database-name
-622for mixed data is invalid because the mixed data install option is no
-623cluster is not valid for table-name
-624table table-name already has a primary key or unique constraint with specified columns and periods
-625table table-name does not have an index to enforce the uniqueness of the primary or unique key
-625warning: the definition of table has been changed to incomplete
-626the alter statement is not executable because the page set is not stopped
-627the alter statement is invalid because the table space or index has user-managed data sets
-628the clauses are mutually exclusive
-629set null cannot be specified because foreign key name cannot contain null values
-630error: the WHERE NOT NULL specification is invalid for type 1 indexes
-631foreign key name is too long or has too many columns
-632the table cannot be defined as a dependent of table-name because of DELETE rule restrictions
-633the DELETE rule must be DELETE-rule
-634the DELETE rule must not be cascade
-635the DELETE rules cannot be different or cannot be set null
-636ranges specified for partition part-num are not valid
-637duplicate keyword-name keyword or clause
-638table table-name cannot be created because column definition is missing
-639a nullable column of a foreign key with a DELETE rule of set null cannot be a column of the key of a partitioned index
-640locksize row cannot be specified because table in this tablespace has type 1 index
-642too many columns in unique constraints
-643a check constraint or the value of an expression for a column of an index exceeds the maximum allowable length key expression
-644invalid value specified for keyword or clause keyword-or-clause in statement stmt-type
-645WHERE NOT NULL is ignored because the index key cannot contain null values
-646table table-name cannot be created in specified table space table-space-name because it already contains a table
-647bufferpool bp-name for implicit or explicit tablespace or indexspace name has not been activated
-650the alter statement cannot be executed, reason reason-code copyright 2014 TheAmericanProgrammer.com Unauthorized copying prohibited
-651table description exceeds maximum size of object descriptor.
-652violation of installation defined edit or validation procedure proc-name
-653table table-name in partitioned table space tspace-name is not available because its partitioned index has not been created
-655the create or alter stogroup is invalid because the storage group would have both specific and non-specific volume ids
-658a object-type cannot be dropped using the statement statement
-660index index-name cannot be created or altered on partitioned table space tspace-name because key limits are not specified
-661object-type object-name cannot be created on partitioned table space tspace-name because the number of partition specifications is not equal to the number of partitions of the table space
-662a partitioned index cannot be created on a table space, or a table space cannot be index-controlled. table space tspace-name, reason reason-code
-663the number of key limit values is either zero, or greater than the number of columns in the key of index index-name
-664the internal length of the limit-key fields for the partitioned index exceeds the length imposed by the index manager
-665the partition clause of an alter statement is omitted or invalid
-666stmt-verb object cannot be executed because function is in progress
-667the clustering index for a partitioned table space cannot be explicitly dropped
-668the column cannot be added to the table because the table has an edit procedure defined with row attribute sensitivity
-669the object cannot be explicitly dropped. reason reason-code
-670the record length of the table exceeds the page size limit
-671the bufferpool attribute of the table space cannot be altered as specified because it would change the page size of the table space
-672operation drop not allowed on table table_name
-676the physical characteristics of the index are incompatible with respect to the specified statement. the statement has failed. reason reason-code
-677insufficient virtual storage for bufferpool expansion
-678the constant constant specified for the index limit key must conform to the data type(PDF). September 2013.
  • 'DB2 SQL CODE Description and solutions'.
  • 'SQL codes'. September 2013.
  • Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=DB2_SQL_return_codes&oldid=904516390'